New Orleans, LA Lawyers – Helping Families get Compensation

Mother and Child

The court will consider a number of factors when determining the amount of damages to be awarded to the survivors of the deceased.  These factors include the closeness of the relationship to the decease loved one; the amount of the deceased’s income available to the survivors; the value of the deceased’s household services; and the life expectancy of the parties.  Under Louisiana law, a qualifying family member may recover the following wrongful death damages if proven:

  • Medical and/or Funeral Expenses
  • Loss of Financial Support
  • Loss of Household Services
  • Loss of Love and Affection

A qualifying family member may recover the following survival damages if proven:

Proving these damages on your behalf often requires your lawyer to retain specialized experts to calculate the loss and present the information to a judge or jury. Our wrongful death attorneys have significant experience working with families and experts to evaluate the totality of damages suffered as a result of the loss of a loved one.

If you have lost a loved one unexpectedly, learn about your legal rights from an experienced Louisiana wrongful death lawyer by calling 504-581-4892 or by filling out our free, no obligation case review form.

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