This week The Guardian published a series of articles comprising the most comprehensive account that the Archdiocese of New Orleans is the largest known employer of pedophiles in Louisiana history. The articles detail the Archdiocese’s policies and practices of protecting and enabling these abusers to exponentially increase the number of victims. Much of the reporting focuses on Archbishop Greg Aymond’s deliberate conduct of hiding abusers and moving them from parish to parish. The heavily supported reporting highlights important problems with Louisiana clergy sex abuse that will only stop when everyone is aware of how these things happen and who is responsible.

To learn more, read the series of articles below.

New Orleans archdiocese failed to monitor priests accused of sexual abuse

300 New Orleans priests were reported for sexual abuse – only 25% are on archdiocese’s credibly accused list

My prayerful support’: how the New Orleans archbishop hid ‘credibly accused’ abusers

New Orleans archbishop ignored board findings on clerics accused of abuse

‘Evil does exist’: Louisiana victim of Catholic priest abuse urges reform

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