Semi-Submersible Accident Lawyers

In the offshore industry, a semi-submersible is a special type of vessel. It was originally designed for tasks such as drilling, safety maintenance, and heavy lifting cranes. Many people also refer to this vessel as a semi-sub or a semi. Offshore-Maritime---Semi-Submersible-Accident---shutterstock_117173656

The oil and gas industry has recognized the need for exploratory drilling at greater depths. If oil is to be drilled at a depth greater than 120 meters, a floating vessel is needed. Semi-submersibles have pontoons that provide buoyancy. There are additional mechanics in place that allow the ship to remain stable during drilling operations.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a semi-submersible accident, it is very important that you contact a highly-skilled, semi-submersible accident injury lawyer at Herman, Katz, Gisleson & Cain, L.L.C. immediately. Learn about your legal rights from an experienced semi-submersible accident injury attorney by filling out our free, no-obligation case review form located on this website.

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