New Orleans, LA Lawyer Serving Burn Injury Victims

Burn injury causes and origins can come from a variety of sources including explosions, faulty electrical components, gas leaks, and flammable chemicals.  There are four official causes of fires: 

  • Natural (such as lighting)
  • Accidental
  • Incendiary (when the fire was set with the intent for harm)
  • Undetermined

Burning VehiclesOne of the biggest obstacles in many burn injury cases is identifying the likely cause and origin of the fire.  The “area of origin” for a fire can be a broad area, like a room in a commercial building.  The “point of origin” is the smallest area that can be identified as the origin of the fire.  After identifying the origin of a fire, investigators look for things that could have served as an ignition source.

In determining the cause and origin of a fire, experts look to the evidence at the scene.  There are typical fire patterns which can be seen by looking at the way that certain items at the scene are burnt, discolored, etc.   However, fire scenes are dynamic.  Critical evidence can be displaced or damaged while rescue workers struggle to put out the fire.   It is important that the proper experts are retained by your attorney and sent to the scene as soon as possible to photograph and gather important evidence.  If evidence is taken from the scene, experts must ensure that the evidence is properly secured.

If you or a loved one have suffered a burn injury, learn about your legal rights from an experienced Louisiana burn injury lawyer by calling 504-581-4892 or by filling out our free, no obligation case review form.

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