New Orleans, LA Brain Injury Caused by Stroke Lawyers

X-ray of a Skull

A stroke is a “brain attack” that occurs when a blood clot of an artery or vessel breaks and interrupts blood flow to an area of the brain.  The interruption of blood flow causes brain cells to die and brain injury occurs.  

There are two types of strokes that cause brain injury.  An ischemic stroke occurs when arteries are blocked by blood clots or by gradual build-up of plaque and other fatty deposits.  A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain breaks and blood leaks into the brain   

The National Stroke Association (NSA) has determined that stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, killing over 133,000 people each year.  Stroke is also a leading cause of long-term adult disability.  According to the NSA there are over 7 million stroke survivors in the U.S. over the age of 20.

Victims of strokes can be left with severe impairments.  When brain cells die during a stroke, functions controlled by that area of the brain are lost.  Stroke victims may lose functions related to speech, movement, and/or memory.  The effect of a stroke on its victim depends on where the stroke occurs in the brain and how much the brain is damaged. 

When your stroke brain injury was caused by the negligence of others, you have the right to pursue compensation for your injuries to cover such costly medical expenses.   

No law firm is better equipped to handle a personal injury claim stemming from a stroke brain injury.  Our team ofstroke brain injury attorneys is led by Dr. Joseph Kott.  Dr. Kott became board certified in neurosurgery in 1983 and maintained an active neurosurgical practice until his retirement in 1997.  Dr. Kott now practices as a trial lawyer in our firm and specializes in personal injury cases relating to brain injury, medical malpractice, and dangerous products.

If you have been involved in an accident and believe you have suffered a stroke brain injury, learn about your legal rights from an experienced Louisiana brain injury lawyer by calling 504-581-4892 or by filling out our free, no obligation case review form.

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