As experienced toxic contamination lawyers, we’ve seen firsthand the extensive health effects of exposure to highly contaminated water. Years ago, as news broke about water contamination at Camp Lejeune, a U.S. Marine Corps Base in North Carolina, and that an estimated one million people were exposed to it, we knew there would be a large-scale legal battle.

For more than three decades, military personnel, their families, and civilian workers drank, bathed in, and cooked with toxic water at Camp Lejeune. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other harmful chemicals found in the wells have been linked to serious health conditions, including many cancers, birth defects, fertility issues, and death.

After the Honoring Our PACT Act, which the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA) became a part of, came into effect in August 2022, victims were finally given a legal avenue to seek justice and compensation for illnesses and deaths associated with the Camp Lejeune contaminated water. Until the new law, Camp Lejeune veterans could access coverage for medical care from toxic exposure during their service, but others affected were left without any support, and there wasn’t a way for anyone to sue the government. That changed in 2022, but the signing of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act came with a two-year window to file a claim.

Victims of water contamination at Camp Lejeune have until August 10, 2024, to file a Camp Lejeune claim to seek damages for pain and suffering, lost wages, decreased enjoyment of life, medical bills, wrongful death, and more. With the complexity of these cases and a looming deadline, it’s essential to hire a Louisiana Camp Lejeune lawyer for your toxic water claim.

If you or a loved one lived or worked at Camp Lejeune for 30 or more days between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, hiring a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyer is your best chance at seeking damages for your suffering and losses. It’s also the only way to hold the government responsible for its role in this tragedy.

The death of a loved one from a Camp Lejeune toxic water illness or being diagnosed with one of the many health effects of contaminated water at Camp Lejeune is life-changing, and you’re entitled to compensation. The toxic exposure attorneys at HKGC are here to help.

How Can a Camp Lejeune Lawyer Help?

There are many benefits of hiring a Camp Lejeune lawyer. As mentioned, there’s a deadline to file a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit, which makes it crucial to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. Veterans accessing medical coverage or disability benefits for toxic exposure through Veterans Affairs can still file a lawsuit for damages beyond what’s being provided.

The history of toxic chemicals in the water at Camp Lejeune indicates the government could, and should, have done more; they failed to protect military personnel, their families, and civilian workers, hid what happened, and should have known the dangers of contaminated water. With a Camp Lejeune lawyer, you can rest assured your rights are protected and you get the compensation you deserve. Here’s how.

Understanding Camp Lejeune Legislation

While the introduction of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act and its passing under the PACT Act in 2022 was a positive step towards justice and support for victims of water contamination at Camp Lejeune, the fact is the legislation is complex. If you’re the victim of toxic exposure, you need and deserve a lawyer who understands Camp Lejeune legislation and how best to get the compensation victims are entitled to. Handling a claim of this kind on your own would affect the damages you’re awarded; the best chance at receiving fair compensation is with a lawyer who deeply understands all relevant legislation.

Access to Vital Resources

Water contamination lawsuits take time – time to gather evidence, consult with experts, file a claim, negotiate with defendants, and in some cases, go to court. And much of this process requires access to financial resources and a network of people to build a strong case that holds up at the negotiating table or in the courtroom.

For a toxic exposure lawyer to best represent clients, they’ll cover costs along the way, which are far beyond what the average victim would have available. Your water contamination lawyer won’t get paid until you do, so you need a law firm with the necessary resources to represent you.

Related Toxic Exposure Experience

In addition to needing a Camp Lejeune lawyer who understands each aspect of the CLJA, related experience handling water contamination lawsuits is a must. This is important because Louisiana personal injury lawyers usually specialize in specific areas of law, and if they haven’t handled similar cases, the results of your claim may be affected.

It’s also challenging to determine the value of a claim without having handled other toxic exposure cases. At HKGC, our attorneys have the experience to help victims of water contamination at Camp Lejeune be compensated and hold those responsible for their suffering.

Alleviate the Burden of a Toxic Exposure Illness

There are numerous possible health effects of contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, many of which are life-changing and require treatment for the rest of the victims’ lives. Managing a severe illness is overwhelming and exhausting, and you may be unable to work or struggle to care for and provide for your family.

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, a condition linked to water contamination at Camp Lejeune, or are going through chemotherapy for cancer associated with the VOCs found in the wells, your health is what matters most. Hiring a Camp Lejeune lawyer can alleviate some of the burdens of this tragedy, allowing you to focus on treatments without the ongoing stress of a complicated claim.   

Protect Your Future

Whether you have bladder, kidney, breast or lung cancer, myelodysplastic syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, renal toxicity, scleroderma, or another condition linked to the contaminants found at Camp Lejeune, your health struggles could have a long-term impact. In the future, you may have financially crippling medical bills or temporarily or permanently lose your job. You may be unable to provide for yourself or your family and experience tremendous pain and suffering – all because you were exposed to harmful chemicals. 

This is one of many reasons why you should hire a Camp Lejeune lawyer. A water contamination lawsuit can help protect you and your family’s future. After all, you don’t know how your illness or losing a loved one will affect the years to come, but filing a claim can provide financial stability and peace of mind.

Let Our New Orleans Camp Lejeune Attorneys Handle Your Claim

The Camp Lejeune lawyers at HKGC have a deep understanding of the CLJA and toxic exposure laws. We’ll fight on your behalf and protect your rights to make the most of your water contamination claim. You deserve to be compensated for the costs or losses associated with your illness or death of a loved one and the widespread effects it has and will have on every aspect of your life.

When you hire a water contamination lawyer from our firm, you’ll get the best representation possible. Our determination and dedication to justice for victims of toxic exposure will ensure you get the most out of your Camp Lejeune lawsuit. Contact us online or call 844-943-7626 today for a free consultation.

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