Claims Program Update

Program begins to accept claims June 2012.

First eligibility notices issued July 15, 2012
First payment issued July 31, 2012

Current Statistics
Total number of claims – 386,107
Eligibility notices issued – 152,010
Denial notices issued – 141,648

Eligibility notice total amount – $9,210,663,464
Total payments – $8,635,700,617
(Data pulled from website Public Statistics 9-22-2016)

Closed Claim Categories and Categories Close to Closure

Real Property Sales

  • Total Number of Claims – 3,069 – 100% complete
  • All Final Notices have been distributed.
  • More than $40 million issued in Eligibility Notices

Vessels of Opportunity – VoO

  •  Total Number of Claims – 8,959 – 100% complete
  • 2 remaining on Appeal
  • All Final Notices have been issued
  • More than $283 million issued in Eligibility Notices

Vessel Physical Damages

  • Total Number of Claims – 1,564 – 99% complete
  • 4 currently on Appeal and 11 pending finalization with the program or awaiting on claimant response to a notice
  • More than $12 million issued in Eligibility Notices

Individual Periodic Vendor or Festival Vendors

  • Total Number of Claims 389 – 98.7% complete
  • 3 on Appeal 2 pending finalization with the program or awaiting on claimant response
  • More than $77,700 issued in Eligibility Notices

Coastal Real Property

  • Total Number of Claims 42,223 claims – 99.9% complete
  • 5 claims on Appeal and less than 27 pending finalization with the program or awaiting claimant response
  • More than $164 million issued in Eligibility Notices

Seafood Compensation Program

The Seafood Compensation Program is the only capped claims category.
It is capped at $2.3 Billion

The Deepwater Horizon Claims Administration began accepting Seafood Compensation Program claims in June 2012 along with every other claim category.

The Seafood Compensation Program had an earlier deadline than other claim types for accepting claims. The deadline was January 22, 2013

Total number of seafood claims – 24,956
6.5% of the total number of claims filed in the program

Seafood Compensation Program Eligibility Notices total amount to date – $1,701,705,948
(Amount from the Public Statistics on the website – Sept. 22, 2016)

The Seafood Compensation has three distribution periods

Initial Distribution
Over $1.2 Billion in eligible claims paid since the beginning of the program.

Second Distribution (Supplemental) Distribution
Supplemental Distribution Notices issued December 2014 – April 2016 – $521 million

Third and Final (Residual) Distribution
This amount will be approximately $520 million.

The eligibility notices for the third (residual) and final distribution of the Seafood Compensation Program will be sent the first week in October.

Active and Open Claim Categories

Individual Economic Loss

  • Total Number of Claims – 60,803
  • Number that has been resolved 52,983
  • Total amount of eligibility notices $90,113,285
  • Percent complete per category – 87%

Business Economic Loss

  • Total Number of Claims – 134,527
  • Number that has been resolved – 94,301
  • Total amount of eligibility notices $6,240,182,603
  • Percent complete per category – 70%

Start-Up Business Economic Loss

  • Total Number of Claims – 7,842
  • Number that has been resolved – 5,458
  • Total amount of eligibility notices $164,833,109
  • Percent complete per category 70%

Failed Business Economic Loss

  • Total Number of Claims – 5,770
  • Number that has been resolved – 4,425
  • Total amount of eligibility notices – $9,090,627
  • Percent complete per category 77%

Wetlands Real Property

  • Total Number of Claims -28,195
  • Number that has been resolved – 20,291
  • Total amount of eligibility notices – $204,504,750
  • Percent complete per category – 72%


  • Total Number of Claims – 67,810
  • Number that has been resolved – 45,134
  • Total amount of eligibility notices – $298,331,953
  • Percent complete per category – 67%

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