Medical malpractice damages can have a profound impact on a family.  Medical malpractice victims often incur expensive medical care.  Sometimes medical malpractice victims require such medical care for the remainder of their life. Medical malpractice injuries can be so severe that their victims are left unable to work for long periods of time.  Your attorney must hire the experts needed to calculate the extent and cost of medical care you will need.  Your lawyer must also hire the experts needed to calculate the lost earnings you will sustain as a result of the personal injury

Surgeons in the OR

The physical pain associated with medical malpractice injuries coupled with the emotional pain of the situation, can be overwhelming.  Your attorney must speak to your friends and family to determine who might make a good witness to discuss how this medical malpractice has affected you from both a physical and emotional standpoint.  

Louisiana law recognizes that medical malpractice victims are entitled to be made whole following an accident.  Below are a list of damages that you could be entitled to recover in your medical malpractice case:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Past Lost Wages/Future Loss of Earning Capacity
  • Physical Pain and Suffering
  • Permanent Disability
  • Scarring and Disfigurement
  • Emotional Pain and Suffering 
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life

Louisiana law limits total damage awards in medical malpractice lawsuits to $500,000. However, future medical care costs are not subject to the $500,000 cap.  

If you or a loved one have been a victim of medical malpractice, learn about your legal rights from an experienced malpractice lawyer by calling 504-581-4892 or by filling out our free, no obligation case review form.

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