Jack-Up Rig Accidents Attorneys
Offshore workers on jack-up rigs may be in danger of sustaining injuries in various types of accidents. Jack-up rigs are designed to withstand rough seas, but they may capsize or move violently if they are not properly stabilized. The equipment on a jack-up rig may malfunction if it is improperly maintained, leading to a fire or explosion. Workers may fall while working high above the rig floor. Rig workers may be in danger of sustaining head trauma or other serious injuries if struck by traveling blocks or falling objects. Dismemberment may occur if a worker’s hand or foot is caught in cables or rigging. A limb or extremity may become caught in machinery, leading to such trauma that the body part must be surgically amputated.
These are just a few examples of the types of jack-up rig accidents that may affect offshore workers. Due to the nature of offshore work and the heavy machinery involved, the risk of injury is great. Accidents are far more likely if the equipment is improperly maintained and safety procedures are not strictly enforced.
If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a jack-up rig accident, it is very important that you contact a highly-skilled, jack-up rig accidents attorney immediately at Herman, Katz, Gisleson & Cain, L.L.C. Learn about your legal rights from an experienced jack-up rig accidents injury lawyer by filling out our free, no-obligation case review form located on this website.
Our firm is proud of the victories we have achieved on behalf of our clients by way of settlements and verdicts in the following individual cases and class actions. Read more…
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