This year, Herman, Herman & Katz again sponsored the New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity Bench and Bar Build.  The build included two weekends of volunteers from the judicial and legal community who readily contribute their time and effort to help build new, safe and affordable homes for partner families in disadvantaged neighborhoods.

On Saturday, October 7, 2023, our HHK team participated in the build located in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans.  We were happy to dedicate ourselves to this worthy cause and make a difference in the New Orleans community.

The NOAHH Homeownership Program is doing some new things this year.  The home chosen for this build is a double.  The partner family will occupy one side of the home and the other side will be a rental.  NOAHH will instruct the partner family on how to be a landlord, and they will benefit from renting the other half of the home for the years to come.



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