Herman, Herman & Katz is a proud sponsor of the Habitat for Humanity Bench and Bar Build.  On Saturday, September 28, 2019, members of the firm gladly volunteered their time and skills to such a worthy cause.  This volunteer event brings together members of the local legal community to work on the construction of new, safe and affordable homes in disadvantaged neighborhoods.  The team of volunteers built alongside a NOAHH partner family who Habitat for Humanity helped to achieve the goal of home ownership.  Volunteers worked on three homes in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans – each in a different stage of completion.  We were honored to have the opportunity to create affordable housing for the families and individuals in the NOAHH Homeownership Program.

Staff volunteering at Bar and Bench Build

Volunteers working at Bar and Bench Build

Habitat for Humanity opening statement Staff volunteering at Bar and Bench BuildBar and Bench Build Sponsors Sign with staff

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