Steve Herman LSBA/LJC Speaking EngagementHKGC partner Steve Herman will be speaking at the 2023 Joint Louisiana State Bar Association/Louisiana Judicial College Summer School for Lawyers and Judges.  Mr. Herman will cover the subject: “What We Are Talking About When We Are Talking About ‘Class Actions’: Two Recent Examples: The Hard Rock Collapse and the Dean Nursing Home Cases” on June 6th.

The 82nd LSBA Annual Meeting and the Louisiana Judicial College/LSBA Joint Summer School will be Sunday June 4th through Friday June 9th and will feature nationally recognized speakers in a multitrack CLE program which will focus on the latest updates in civil law, criminal law, family law and other specialties.  The seminar will cover other key topics such as Recent Developments in Louisiana Civil Procedure, Cybersecurity, ERISA, Family Law Legislative Updates, Property and Liability Insurance and Indemnity, Hurricane Litigation, and more.

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