HKGC partner Steve Herman will be speaking on the topic of “Fee Issues in Class Actions” at the George Washington Law Conference on “Resolving Mass Torts in Different Forums” on April 27, 2023, in Washington, DC.

This is an opportunity for attendees to learn from an attorney that has been at the forefront of mass tort litigation for decades. He has represented clients in a variety of complex cases, including class actions involving medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and consumer products. He has also been appointed as lead counsel in some of the largest and most high-profile mass tort cases in the country.

At the George Washington Law Conference, Steve Herman will provide attendees with an in-depth analysis of fee issues in class actions. He will discuss the various methods used to determine attorney fees, including the lodestar method and the percentage-of-recovery method. He will also address the challenges and controversies that can arise when calculating fees, such as determining the appropriate rate of compensation for attorneys and accounting for the risks involved in litigating a case.

The conference will also cover:

  • Current Issues in Class Action Certification
  • Common Benefit Fees in Mass Tort MDL Cases
  • Judicial Review of Mass Tort Settlements
  • Litigation Finance in Mass Torts, Bankruptcies, and Class Actions
  • Bankruptcy Issues in Mass Torts Claims
  • Mass arbitrations

Overall, the George Washington Law Conference on Resolving Mass Torts in Different Forums promises to be an informative and engaging event for anyone interested in the field of mass tort litigation, and attendees will come away with a better understanding of the complexities involved in litigating these types of cases.

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