HKGC Partner Stephen Herman is a panel member for this live CLE Event hosted by The National Association of Legal Fee Analysis (NALFA): Attorney Fees in Class Action Settlements, June 28, 2018 @ Noon-2:00pm (Central).

The panel of some of the nation’s top class action counsel discuss a range of attorney fee issues in class action and other multi-party litigation.  Panelists discuss the latest class action jurisprudence on fee award factors, fee calculation methods in mega-cases, fee reductions, and more.  They also consider hot issues on attorney fees in class actions including fee recovery strategies, responding to fee challenges, and fee allocation issues.  They examine recent court trends in class action fee awards from across the U.S.

Panel Members:
Aashish Y. Desai, Managing Partner, Desai Law Firm (Costa Mesa)
Stephen J. Herman, Partner, Herman, Katz, Gisleson & Cain LLP (New Orleans)
Gary F. Lynch, Partner, Carlson Lynch Sweet Ltd. (Pittsburgh)

Registration is now open. For more information, or to register, go to

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