Attorney Steve HermanOn February 18, 2022, the Loyola Maritime Law Journal will hold its annual Shipowners Limitation of Liability Symposium at the Loyola University College of Law. HKGC Partner Steve Herman will be a panelist representing the plaintiffs in the discussion: “Should the Shipowner’s Act of 1851 be Repealed, Modified, or Untouched?” Also representing the plaintiffs will be Hugh “Skip” Lambert, and Jefferson Tillery and R. Keith Jarrett will represent the defendant. The panel discussion will be moderated by Kristi Post.

The Symposium starts at 9:00 am and is structured to qualify for 7 hours of Continuing Legal Education credit in Louisiana and Texas. Other presentations cover the recent developments and the vitality of the Shipowner’s Act of 1851, jurisdictional and procedural complications in limitation of liability, comparison of international and U.S. limitation of liability, ethics and professionalism in Maritime Law, and a presentation by Judge Carl Barbier and Benjamin Allums on the “Limitation of Liability in Regards to the BP Oil Spill.”

For more information on the symposium and registration information see:

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