On Friday, June 14, HKGC partner Russ Herman addressed a room full of attorneys at the Marriott Convention Center regarding the 70 principles of rhetoric and psychological persuasion, as part of the LAJ CLE conference.

His presentation focused on the use of rhetoric in courtroom persuasion, from jury selection to closing argument. During the day-long session, Russ discussed courtroom environment, the judge and courtroom personnel, special skills of communication, voir dire, mock juries, focus groups, jurimetric surveys, verbal and non-verbal messages, opening statements and closing arguments

Many of the examples Russ shared and the lessons he taught attendees drew from his six-volume video trial practice series Courtroom Persuasion: Art, Drama & Science (Volumes I & II); Louisiana Personal Injury; The Cutting Edge in Courtroom Persuasion; and Storytelling and the Model for Winning at Trial.

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