The National Association of Legal Fee Analysis (NALFA) has announced its 2018 listing of the nation’s top attorney fee experts, and HKGC Partner Steve Herman Stephen J. Herman was recognized for “Outstanding Skills Assessing Attorney Fees in Class Actions.”

Attorney Steve HermanAttorney fee experts are judicially qualified experts who provide expert testimony and reports on the reasonableness of attorney fees and expenses in underlying cases. Attorney fee experts are increasingly retained by fee-seeking or fee-challenging parties in litigation to independently prove reasonable attorney fees and expenses. NALFA attorney fee experts also include court adjuncts such as bankruptcy fee examiners, special fee masters, and fee dispute neutrals.

NALFA is a non-profit group that helps organize and recognize attorney fee experts from across the U.S. and around the global. They act as the governing body for the legal fee analysis field, and their mission is to help ensure quality and reliability across the legal fee analysis profession.

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