Steve Herman with family and friends

Steve Herman with family and friends

Congratulations to HKGC Partner Steve Herman, recipient of the 2018 The Harry M. Philo Award.  This award recognizes an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the civil justice system and whose work has advanced the safety and protection of American consumers. Steve Herman joins the ranks of the prestigious trial attorneys who have preceded him, including Mississippi Supreme Court Justice Jim Kitchens.

Harry M. Philo dedicated his life to the pursuit of safe and fair working conditions, the elimination of defective products, and equal justice for all.  He also sought to educate other trial lawyers, so that they could better advocate for the same things.  Steve Herman exemplifies these qualities in his protection of consumers in cases such as Scott v. American Tobacco and his work to support the thousands of workers, businesses, and local governments affected by the BP Oil Spill.  He has also done this through his work with American Association for Justice, the Louisiana Association for Justice, the Public Justice Foundation, SLLS, and Louisiana Appleseed; and by educating lawyers through speeches and publications and by teaching future lawyers as an adjunct professor at both Tulane Law School and the Loyola University School of Law

The first-ever Harry M. Philo award was bestowed on Harry himself, by ATLA President, Roxanne Conlin.  She called him, “Our conscience” because he reminded ATLA lawyers constantly that, “We are Lawyers on the Side of People. Never let us forget that the Law is never settled until it is settled right, it is never right until it is just, and it is never just until it serves society to the fullest.”  Steve Herman has sought pursue justice in this way throughout his professional career.

Steve Herman accepted the award on July 10, 2018 during the annual American Association for Justice 2018 Convention in Denver, which was presented to him by another giant of the plaintiff trial law, his father, and HKGC Partner, Russ Herman.

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