Offshore oil workers hold one of the most dangerous job titles in the U.S. They are seven times more likely to die than the average American worker. Offshore accidents are unfortunately common and can cause irreversible injuries even if someone survives. If you or someone you know has been injured in an offshore accident, you may wonder if you should hire an offshore accident attorney.
What Is An Offshore Accident Attorney?
An offshore accident attorney specializes in offshore workplace incidents such as offshore oil and gas drilling accidents and represents victims and their loved ones after a disaster. It’s essential to find a lawyer with experience in all types of offshore accidents and who understands the oil and gas industry.
If you’ve been injured in an offshore accident, you’ll want an attorney familiar with maritime law and who knows how oil companies typically handle accidents. Oil companies and other offshore industry employers may try to shift blame after an accident, even when they are the ones that have acted negligently. You may be eligible for compensation if you’ve suffered injuries in an offshore accident, but the companies don’t want you to know that. You should look for a lawyer familiar with the Jones Act, Longshoremen and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, Death On The High Seas Act, and the complexities of maritime law.
A Louisiana offshore accident attorney can help you in multiple ways. They will instruct you on what documentation you’ll need to file a lawsuit and help you keep track of relevant documents. Crucially, they’ll calculate how much compensation you need and negotiate with the negligent company’s insurer to settle. If settlement discussions are unsuccessful, they’ll represent you at trial.
Offshore Injury Statistics
Oil drilling happens nationwide, but most oil platforms are in the Gulf of Mexico. The gulf borders Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana; these states have thousands of oil and gas rigs in their waters. In Louisiana, oil and gas have an undeniable presence. Nearly 1/4th of the state’s gross domestic product is tied to the industry, and tens of thousands of industry workers are in Louisiana. While the state economy has benefited from oil work, a dangerous sector being so prevalent has its downsides. Louisiana sees its fair share of worker injuries and deaths because of how many oil rigs are off our coast.
Every year, hundreds of offshore accidents happen around the country. Some only damage property, but others lead to injuries and deaths. Data from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) shows only 164 offshore injuries and two fatalities in 2021, but the agency has been accused of undercounting offshore accidents. The BSEE doesn’t track deaths in state waters or while workers are transported to offshore rigs. It also doesn’t account for injuries and deaths that aren’t directly work-related. In contrast with the agency’s numbers, one report found that the number of oil workers who died over a 9-year period was similar to the number of U.S. troops who died in Afghanistan during the same time.

HKGC Offshore Accident Injury Lawsuits
Maritime jobs involve working on barges, cranes, deepwater drilling oil rigs and platforms, jack-up rigs, tugboats, marine salvage and diving. Offshore workers can encounter slippery decks, narrow passageways, heavy and dangerous machinery, and equipment that could become detached in rough seas. Many of these hazards leading to offshore workplace accidents could have been prevented. If the employer has cut corners, broken maritime laws, or failed to provide a safe work environment, they should be held accountable for worker injuries and deaths.
As Louisiana maritime accident attorneys, we have represented many workers and their families in offshore tragedies. We have successfully won offshore accident cases, both big and small.
In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico and killed 11 workers. Seventeen workers were injured, and the oil spill became one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S. history. The disaster’s aftermath caused an economic crisis in the region, and businesses and local governments lost billions of dollars in tourism dollars during the three years after the spill. Herman, Katz, Gisleson & Cain proudly acted as co-lead counsel for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against BP. HKGC partner Steve Herman helped successfully negotiate a multi-billion dollar settlement to cover economic losses, property damage, and medical expenses.
Some examples of other offshore accident cases we’ve handled include offshore workers who were injured when a barge sunk off the coast of Mexico during a hurricane. The workers were coerced into signing releases on all claims. In another case, an oil rig monkey-board fell and crushed a safety helmet into the head of an independent drilling superintendent, resulting in incomplete quadriplegia.
Whether you’ve been injured in a massive disaster or a one-off incident doesn’t matter — our attorneys have extensive maritime and personal injury law knowledge. They can help you fight powerful oil companies and get the compensation you need after an injury. Call us toll-free at 844-943-7626 or contact us online for a no-obligation consultation.
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