After you are involved in an auto accident, it is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible. Initially, an experienced attorney can give you a lot of information about your case, including how and when to proceed. Acting fast is very important because in Louisiana, accidents are usually subject to a prescriptive period, which most other states call a statute of limitations, of one year from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. This means that if you file a lawsuit even one day after the prescriptive period has ended, your case can be dismissed and you will not be able to recover a single dollar.
It is a good idea to hire an accident or personal injury attorney because they know the relevant laws and procedure to effectively handle your case from start to finish. Also, you will have an experienced attorney advocating for you to recover the damages that you deserve – an attorney that can help you navigate through the legal process and avoid getting pushed around by large insurance companies. Insurance agencies have a lot of experience in getting rid of claims, sometimes by settling for small amounts or not paying them at all.
If you are suffering from injuries, an experienced attorney can be very helpful in determining your damages, what type of award or settlement you could receive and when you might be able to receive it. Insurance companies may initially offer you a quick settlement check that might be enticing to take and be done with the matter. However, soon after the accident, you might not know the extent of your injuries or if you will need additional treatment in the future. If you were seriously injured and had to miss work, or even worse, cannot perform the same duties or skills as before the accident, an attorney can help you be compensated for those misfortunes as well.
Although it is important to act quickly in hiring an attorney, that does not mean you should hire the first attorney that you see or meet with. It is important to hire an attorney with a personal injury focus or at least experience in personal injury or accident cases. Just as doctors have many different focuses in medicine, lawyers too have a various practice areas. A personal injury attorney will know how to advocate on your behalf and give you legal guidance on how to progress your auto accident case. He or she will lay out all of your options and explain the different courses of action to you so you can make decisions on how your case will proceed. Ultimately, having an experienced and trustworthy advocate working for you is extremely valuable in obtaining a reasonable and fair resolution in your accident case.
Contact Us Today
If you have been involved in an accident and you are considering filing a personal injury claim, contact an experienced lawyer first. The attorneys at Herman, Katz, Gisleson & Cain, LLC can advise you of your legal rights and work closely with you to develop a strategy for your claim. Our clients benefit from our years of combined experience, and so can you. Schedule a consultation now at 844-285-0267 or fill out our online contact form with your questions.
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